CRI Documentation 2: Bias

Through collaboration with committed stakeholders, the Bias workgroup- which includes community and department members, along with stakeholders from the Department of Police Accountability and the San Francisco Police Officers Association- has made significant progress in reviewing relevant department policies (DGO 5.03 “Investigative Detentions”; DGO 5.17 “Policy Prohibiting Biased Policing”; DGO 11.07 “Prohibiting Discrimination, Harassment and Retaliation”). The workgroup meetings include robust discussions on community concerns and best practices.

Under the Collaborative Reform Initiative, sworn members take continuous Procedural Justice and Implicit Bias training to help ensure fair and impartial community policing. The department has partnered with five leading academic institutions to analyze its data on use of force, complaints, arrests and stops through an equity/diversity disparity lens, and through in-depth community engagement and feedback, SFPD developed its first Department General Order that specifically deals with gender inclusivity.

Our external partners continue to review our responses related to Bias. 48 of 54 of our Bias recommendations have been deemed substantially compliant by the California Department of Justice. The remaining 6 recommendations will be addressed through the development and implementation of the Management Dashboard (MD) and an electronic performance appraisal system.

Recommendations determined to have met substantial compliance by the California Department of Justice will be posted online. Completion packets represent work completed over the last several years, and may contain slightly different forms as the process for approval has evolved to become more efficient. To view, please select from below:

Bias Key Documents

DB: Department Bulletin, DGO: Department General Order, NR: News Release (Department), MOU: Memorandum of Understanding

San Francisco Police Department

Safety with Respect for All.