Auto Burglary


  • Are there any valuables or loose items visible in your car?
    Park Smart. Place all items in the trunk of your car before you arrive at your destination to ensure thieves won’t know what you are hiding.
  • Traveling from out of town?
    Check your luggage at the hotel instead of keeping it in your car.

Reporting a Vehicle Break-In

  • Is the break-in happening right now?
    Call 9-1-1 with your location and a suspect description, if possible.
  • Did the break-in already happen?
  • What was stolen? 
    • Make a list of stolen items.
    • If possible, please provide the estimated value of stolen items, along with the serial numbers to stolen electronics.
    • Cancel stolen credit cards as soon as possible and check to see if unauthorized activity has occurred. Include any such activity on the police report.
    • If an original passport or social security card was stolen, go to the nearest police station.If a firearm was stolen, immediately go to a police station or call the police non-emergency line at 1-415-553-0123.
    • A police report may be needed for an insurance claim.

Download the Auto Break-in Brochure in English, Spanish, Chinese and Tagalog

San Francisco Police Department

Safety with Respect for All.