SFPD Officer performs CPR on 66 year old male and saves his life

SFPD Officer Fung Photo

On Tuesday, August 8th, just before 6pm, Officer Robert Fung was working at the Pro America Steph Curry select basket showcase at Kezar Stadium. Officer Fung observed a 66 year-old male in the audience that was having a medical emergency.

Officer Fung responded quickly, noticing that the man had lost consciousness and stopped breathing. Officer Fung called for San Francisco Fire Department for medical assistance and began to perform CPR on the male victim until medics arrived on the scene. The medics relieved Officer Fung, provided medical assistance and transported the victim to the hospital. The 66 year-old male is now in stable condition, due to Officer Fung's quick response and life saving efforts.

The SFPD is proud of Officer Fung and thanks him for taking immediate action during a medical emergency. SFPD would like to thank Annabelle, the SF Department of Emergency Management Dispatcher who answered the call and summoned medical assistance. We would also like to thank our partners with the San Francisco Fire Department who responded and administered medical assistance.

News Release