San Francisco Announces a Gun Buyback this Saturday

San Francisco Mayor Edwin M. Lee, Supervisor Malia Cohen, Supervisor David Campos, Supervisor John Avalos, Supervisor Scott Wiener, and Supervisor Norman Yee, Police Chief Greg Suhr, and the community-based groups: Ingleside Station Community Police Advisory Board, Alive & Free Omega Boys Club, CARECEN, River of Life Church, Gun by Gun, and the SF Interfaith Council, announce a citywide Gun Buy-Back event for San Francisco. As a part of the IPO initiative - Interrupt, Predict and Organize for a Safer San Francisco- the Mayor’s Office partnered with Supervisor Cohen, Supervisor Campos, Alive & Free Omega Boys Club, and CARECEN to sponsor previous neighborhood-based gun buyback events. Past events resulted in residents turning in a total of 529 guns to SFPD.

On Saturday, April 5th, San Francisco will host an anonymous gun buyback in the Visitation Valley neighborhood at the new location of Grocery Outlet. “Making sure that San Francisco remains one of the safest big cities in the nation is among my highest priority,” said Mayor Lee. “Gun buy-back events are an important part of our comprehensive public safety strategy and we must continue to engage communities, raise awareness about the tragic impacts of gun violence, and reduce violent crimes in our City by getting guns off our streets and out of our homes. We are working together to combat street violence, increase public safety, and create a safer City for everyone.”

“We are reducing violent crimes in our city by addressing it from many angles: retaining an exemplary police force, with legislation that I introduced and passed with the full support of my colleagues on the board, and supporting and growing our public school system,” said Supervisor Malia Cohen. “This gun buyback is not a panacea; it is just another tool we are using. We are taking action right here at home and setting an example for the rest of the country. That’s what San Francisco is about and that is what this gun buyback is about.”

“Over and over again, we have seen the damage these weapons do in our community. This event is a positive step towards getting guns off of our streets and out of the hands of those looking to do harm. Each gun turned in is one less opportunity for someone to become a victim,” said Supervisor Scott Wiener.

This event is a citywide effort organized in partnership with Alive & Free - Omega Boys Club, Central American Resource Center (CARECEN), River of Life Church, Gun by Gun, and the SF Interfaith Council. “Part of River of Life's mission is to facilitate community unity and to promote God's love from Sunnydale to the Towers, an area typically known for great difficulties,” said Robert Cowan, Pastor of River of Life Church. “We are hopeful that the gun buyback will reduce barriers between neighbors by reducing fear between neighbors, accidental shootings, and the use of stolen guns in crimes – all of which will allow for greater community conversation.” Community-based groups are instrumental in working collectively with city agencies to encourage community residents to anonymously turn in their guns.

"Supporting this effort is in direct relation to the mission of our organization, keeping our young people ‘Alive & Free.’ Of course this extends to individuals of all ages, cultures, and backgrounds. Any event or action to reduce gun violence increases the chances of everyone remaining intact, even in the face of conflict. For this, we appreciate the opportunity to collaborate with everyone in this worthwhile effort,” said Andre Atkins, Operations Manager of Alive & Free. “We are committed to making our community safer,” said Joel Streicker, CARECEN’s Development Director. “That’s why we support the gun buyback. Taking guns out of circulation means they can’t be used to cause harm.”

"Although even one homicide is too many, to close out the first quarter of 2014 with a better than three decade low of 5 homicides in San Francisco, with just two involving a firearm, is an achievement we can build on. At this same time not too many years ago the City had suffered 20 homicides just by firearm. We have come a long way in reducing gun violence by going after the guns and getting more guns off the streets will go a long way towards an even safer San Francisco." said SFPD Chief of Police, Greg Suhr.

“There are many tools we must use in a community policing approach to public safety, and the gun buyback program offers an anonymous, no-questions-asked way to get guns off our streets. I'd like to thank the Ingleside Police Station (and SFPD) for partnering with the community to make this happen,” said Supervisor John Avalos.

San Francisco Gun Buyback
Saturday, April 5, 2014, 9:00am-2:00pm
2630 Bayshore Blvd. at Sunnydale, San Francisco, CA
This is a drive-through event: participants must arrive in a car, with unloaded weapon(s) already placed in the trunk of the car. Guns in working condition will be exchanged for up to $100 cash (up to $200 cash for assault weapons), no questions asked. A maximum of five guns may be exchanged per vehicle or per person. Participants will be greeted by community members from the Ingleside CPAB, Alive & Free, Carecen, and River of Life Church.

