Drug Market Agency Coordination Center Operation at Jefferson Square Park on Wednesday Night Led to Nearly 90 arrests 25-031
Over 1.21 pounds of narcotics seized
In response to many community complaints of criminal and drug-related activity in Jefferson Square Park, the San Francisco Police Department led an enforcement operation on Wednesday, February 26, SFPD Chief Bill Scott announced.
San Francisco police officers and sheriff's deputies made nearly 90 arrests and seized over 1.21 pounds of narcotics during the operation. The operation involved coordinated efforts with multiple City agencies and other law enforcement partners.
“Drug-related activity will never be tolerated in Jefferson Square or any other part of the city,” SFPD Chief Bill Scott said. “Our officers will be out in force conducting operations just like these all over the city. I want to thank our hard-working officers and all the partner agencies that assisted in this effort.”
The SFPD would like to thank the San Francisco Sheriff’s Office, Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), National Guard, San Francisco Rec and Park Rangers, Department of Public Works, San Francisco Fire Department, and Animal Care and Control (ACC).
It's the latest enforcement action by the city's Drug Market Agency Coordination Center (DMACC), which is focused on dismantling drug markets around the city.
Watch SFPD Officers and SF Sheriff's Deputies sweep through Jefferson Square Park